We are the medicine

The loneliness epidemic is making us sick. Despair around disconnection is real.

SeekHealing offers non-profit social health programs that bring people together to heal trauma and ignite mutual support within communities. We facilitate the power of authentic relationship and human connection.

There is no mental health without social health.

The science is clear: Our society faces a devastating loneliness epidemic that’s fueled by a lack of meaningful connection and community.

The trauma of social isolation is deeply linked to physical and mental health crises, including increased risks of heart disease, obesity, depression, and premature death. Rising loneliness also correlates with higher rates of suicide, overdose, psychosis, and domestic violence.

The Science Behind Seek

In response to the loneliness crisis and its impact, there is a new wave of social health organizations emerging to support more effective delivery of mental health and social support services to those most disproportionately impacted. 

In 2018, SeekHealing was one of the first social health organizations in the US to successfully pilot a model for dedicated social health programming, which it demonstrated in both rural and urban communities in Western North Carolina. 

Who We Are

Our Impact

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Listening Training

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substance-free social, or other community gathering.

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Learn the foundations of connection

Ideal for for anyone seeking to fill their life with more meaningful connection -- including those struggling with mental health or addiction challenges, as well as their family members -- Listening Training teaches a new way of relating with each other in a world where authentic relationship is scarce.

Listening Training
listening training students learning together

Cutting edge education in communication skills, harm reduction boundary-setting and relational learning. Interactive format that empowers individuals to connect with each other and experience transformational healing.

Listening Training is offered as
a free public health service

Learn More + Sign Up
Social Health Facilitation Training (SHFT)
social health facilitation training students learning together

12-week leadership training course to prepare for certification as a Social Health Professional. This course provides grounded, hands-on education in authentic leadership and facilitation skills.

Learn More + Apply

Connect & Heal

Slow down, listen, and be heard. Whether your life is in chaos and you need support, or you have capacity and want to volunteer, our community programs offer free-of-charge programs every day of the week in-person and online.

SeekHealing Centers in Western North Carolina


"I’ve met wonderful people through SeekHealing whom I’ve never been in the same room with, yet I feel no less compassion for them. That connection is real despite the physical distance. I live miles from other people, and I don’t get to leave my house much, but through SeekHealing, I can still connect. That has been tremendously helpful to me."

Anonymous Seeker

"SeekHealing has created a structure for relating that I really needed. It allows me to be in community without any associated trauma. To me, it seems to replicate the best aspects of living in a tribe. When one person is suffering, we all get to carry a little bit more weight together so that person -- that elder, that young Trans person, that mom who just had a baby, that person who just lost their lover and is grieving – isn’t alone."

Juda O

"In the SeekHealing community, I’ve found a place where I can "unzip" myself—this carefully curated, conditioned version of me that I thought I had to be for so long. SeekHealing allows me to just rest in my authenticity, and to have others do it with me. It’s a place where I feel deep love with other beings."

Gabby V

"When I go to SeekHealing, I find compassion. I can show up however I am and no one tries to change me, or make me sit still when I can’t, or tell me that everything’s going to be ok when that’s not true. The Connection Practice circles relieve me in a way that I actually feel heard, and feel like I can breathe and calm down."

Kelly R

"My participation SeekHealing has enabled me to witness and take part in incredible, observable, significant growth and change in other seekers. I now understand how we are a part of each others’ healing. At 78, I am now in incredible health. I take no
medication. Connection is my medication."

Ted T

Our Partners

Healing happens in community, and we’re endlessly grateful for the organizations walking this path alongside us. Our partners share in the vision of a world where every person feels seen, heard, and valued. Their support and collaboration make this work possible—creating spaces where real connection can thrive.