Hey, welcome to SeekHealing!
We're excited to get to know you better and support each other. SeekHealing offers all kinds of free services to meet your needs for connection, healing, and being of service to the people around you. Please answer these questions to get started, and someone from the community will personally reach out to follow up after.
We have place-based communities in Western North Carolina & California, as well as our online community.
(Please choose all that apply)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual (Optional)
Contact information
Regular communication is a critical part of connecting in community. We'll use your phone number and email to connect you directly with other humans through this program.

We understand that not everyone has an email address or phone that they can check regularly. If you do have one, it's important that you share the one that works best for you. If you don't, don't worry, we'll find another way to connect you with people and sign you in to meetings!

Your privacy and confidentiality are critical to us. Learn more about how we protect your privacy.

We are the medicine.