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We all need more meaningful connection in life. Whether you're trying to change a substance use pattern, want to volunteer, want to facilitate healing experiences for others, or just want to live a more connected life, you are welcome here.

Fill out one of these forms, and someone from your community will call to schedule your "First Conversation."

Alison Reeves
Community Engagement Lead - Online
Hilary Jacobs Hendel, DDS, LCSW
Trauma-informed Psychoanalyst, International Author, creator of The Change Triangle Tool for Emotional Health
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Gabor Maté, MD
Physician, renowned expert on addiction and compassionate care, bestselling author, international speaker
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Maureen McCarthy
Social Scientist and Co-Founder, Center for Collaborative Awareness
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Alan Muskat
Author and educator specializing in nondualism, Nonviolent Communication, and hunter-gatherer culture
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Zelle Nelson
Social Scientist and Co-Founder, Center for Collaborative Awareness
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Sara Ness
Founder and CEO of Authentic Revolution
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Mark Smith
Author, therapist, social work professor; background in trauma, attachment, group process, and narrative-based practice.
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Peter Strong, MD
Board-certified in addiction psychiatry, expert in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Former Medical Director of Hartford Dispensary, managing 13 clinics and 4000 patients.
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Andrew Weil, MD
Author of over a dozen books on alternative medicine, including several international bestsellers.
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Avrum G. Weiss, Ph.D
Psychotherapist, author, and teacher with more than 40 years of experience in relational psychology. Architect of experiential psychotherapy theory.
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Bill White
Emeritus Senior Research Consultant at Chestnut Health Systems, Former Board Chair of Recovery Communities United, and author or coauthor of 20 books and 400 papers on addiction.
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Rachel Wurzman, Ph.D
Director of Science
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Alison Reeves
Community Engagement Lead - Online
Kim Crowley
Manuela Stanica
Leesha Rollar
Tony Stokes
Adrian Engstrom von Alten
The SHFT Enrollment Director
Coming soon!

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Web Presence
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